CIO Panel:
Digital Responsibility: Responsible IT Management in the Digital Society
The next wave of digital transformation will once again mean revolutionary changes for our life and work in the digital society. Not least, so-called generative artificial intelligence could mean changes of unprecedented magnitude in organizations and society. Leaders are more responsible than ever to consider the social implications of information technology in order to successfully implement innovations within the organization, but also for the benefit of society.
Under the guiding theme of Digital Responsibility, we discuss the value-based compass of the digital society anew at the conference. The focus will be equally on the establishment of new values, their impact on the use of information technology, but also on the shaping of values precisely through new opportunities offered by information technology.
The CIO Panel offers a unique framework to discuss the implications of Digital Responsibility with leaders of the digital society. Of central interest are the following aspects:
- What does Digital Responsibility mean to us?
- What concrete implications does it have for our organization?
- To what extent is the topic related to key leadership topics (e.g., mission statement, career, role models, participation) and technologies (e.g., AI, security, business processes)?
- Which best practices are we already implementing today, where do we still need to improve?
- How do we take digital responsibility into account in strategic decisions?
- How do we implement digital responsibility across our organization?
- What social responsibility does this place on us?
The time frame for the panel is one hour. In the first part, we ask each leader to make a short statement on what they understand Digital Responsibility to be and what particular goals, activities or barriers are shaping it. In the second part, a moderated discussion will follow to discuss further aspects. We will also allow questions from the audience and look forward to an exciting discussion!
Date: Thursday 21.09.2023, 09:00-10:00 a.m.
Place: Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), Auditorium
Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen
Paderborn University

Volker Bibelhausen

Dr. Daniel Brettschneider
Klaus Kunzmann

Dr. Matthias Voigt
Westfalen Gruppe
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel
Universität Paderborn