WI Event for Doctoral Students
The WI 2023 event for doctoral candidates is aimed at doctoral candidates in business informatics or related disciplines who are interested in a scientific career. The 3-hour event is sponsored by the association “Die WI e.V.” and takes place on Monday afternoon.
Why should I participate in the event for doctoral students?
The aim of the event for doctoral students is to show interested doctoral students potential paths into science and to give them the opportunity to find out more about specific topics (e.g. stays abroad, community work, habilitation). In this way, we want to support doctoral students in deciding whether or not to pursue an academic career and help them to set the right course as early as possible. Furthermore, we want to promote the exchange between post-docs, junior professors and doctoral students.
At the event, postdocs and junior professors will give short talks on their scientific careers and special topics. Afterwards, there will be an informal exchange between the speakers and the participating doctoral students.
Time | Program |
15:00 – 15:30 | Opening words |
15:30 – 17:00 | Presentations by PostDocs and Junior Professors |
17:00 – 18:00 | Round Tables |
40 doctoral students can participate in the event. Registration takes place together with the conference registration via Conftool. Participants in the WI Event for Doctoral Students will receive a free one-year membership from the association “Die WI e.V.“. Participants must also fill out a membership application form on site if they are interested.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Alt
University of Leipzig
Rainer Alt is Professor of Application Systems in Business and Administration at the Information Systems Institute at Leipzig University, Germany. His research focuses on inter-organizational information systems and methods for designing digitalized value chains. Projects include the digitalization of the financial industry, the realization of customer-oriented services, social customer relationship management, and digital platforms. Rainer is Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal Electronic Markets (EM) and speaker of the association Die Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V. (Die WI).

Dr. Anne-Sophie Mayer
Vrije University Amsterdam
Dr. Anne-Sophie Mayer is Assistant Professor at the KIN Center for Digital Innovation at the Vrije University Amsterdam. She conducts research on the future of work with a focus on artificial intelligence in an organisational context. She completed her doctorate at the University of Passau, in which she empirically examined changes caused by artificial intelligence at the employee and organisational level. She is currently working on projects on boundary changes in telemedicine, social relations and AI in the workplace, and explainability and AI.

Dr. Olga Abramova
University of Potsdam
Olga is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Information Systems, esp. Social Media and Society at the University of Potsdam. Previously, she completed her PhD at the Technical University of Darmstadt. She conducts research on user behavior in electronic collaboration environments (social media, video conferencing, sharing platforms) and on the social impact of digital technologies (online discrimination, inclusion in the IT industry). She has been teaching Data Science and research methods for more than 5 years. With her previous experience as a research analyst in business and current collaboration with a company, Olga’s talk will bridge the gap between practical and academic work environments.

Dr. Dominik Gutt
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Dominik has been an assistant professor in the Department of Technology & Operations Management at the Rotterdam School of Management since September 2019. Previously, he completed his PhD at the University of Paderborn in May 2019. His research focuses on smart services (e.g. smart contract NFTs and smart conversational agents) and user-generated content (e.g. electronic word-of-mouth and peer-to-peer video streaming).

Dr. Ekaterina Jussupow
Technical University of Darmstadt
Ekaterina has been a Junior Professor of Business Informatics (tenure track) at the Department of Business Informatics at the Technical University of Darmstadt since March 2023. She studied psychology in Munich and Heidelberg, among other places, and received her doctorate in business informatics from the University of Mannheim in 2021. Her research focuses on cognitive decision-making processes in interaction with AI-based systems and technology use in healthcare. Her talk will focus on strategies for balancing family and career planning in science.

Dr. Ulrich Gnewuch
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Ulrich has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since July 2020. He studied business informatics at the University of Mannheim and completed his doctorate at KIT. His research focuses on the design of AI-based processes (e.g. customer service chatbots) and interactive business intelligence & analytics systems (e.g. dashboards). He is Vice Chair for Teaching Resources in the AIS Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI) and Track Chair of the “Human-Computer Interaction” track at the International Conference on Information Systems.

Julia Seitz
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, julia.seitz@kit.edu

Saskia Haug
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, saskia.haug@kit.edu