WI2023 – Track: Enterprise Modeling & Business Ecosystems
Track description
Enterprise modeling is one of the core practices used in creating innovative digital solutions and in jointly developing enterprise- or business ecosystem-wide information systems and corresponding organizational action systems. It supports not only development but also organizational implementation, communication among stakeholders, or collaboration among business partners, to only mention a few objectives. However, in a digitized world, enterprise models are not only central to human communication but may also serve as machine-interpretable scripts.
Further, enterprise models may act as direct interfaces to digital systems (Fill et al., 2020). In a digital first world and with the so-called ontological reversal (Baskerville et al., 2020) at hand, enterprise models will no longer be representations or blueprints of a “real world”, but may become the backbone of a digital world consisting of digital objects with material agency. In particular, enterprise models have the potential of contributing to the integration of organizational structures, business models and technical systems in the sense of digital twins (Sandkuhl and Stirna, 2020). By integrating the digital with the physical, they will bear responsibility beyond their current realm – reinforcing a responsibility-driven design perspective on enterprise models.
The track also welcomes articles addressing domain-specific modeling, reference models, modeling in the context of enterprise architecture or transformation management, as well as methods, languages, and tools related to these fields.
The track is open to various research objectives, research objects and research methods including conceptual, design-oriented, or empirical papers. To a limited extent, also idea or position papers may be accepted.
Arrangements for subsequent journal publications will be sought after with the BISE Journal (Department Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise Engineering) and the EMISAJ Journal.
Track Topics
- Enterprise modeling methods, languages, tools, and platforms
- Enterprise modeling for business ecosystems and enterprise architecture
- Multi-level/multi-perspective enterprise modeling
- Understanding and exposing the responsibility of enterprise models
- Responsibility-driven enterprise modeling
- Enterprise models in a digital first world – digital work and digital life with enterprise models
- Enterprise modeling and digital twins
- Enterprise modeling and artificial intelligence
- Enterprise modeling using novel technologies such as augmented and virtual reality, blockchains, or knowledge graphs
- Interplay of digital and human agents in producing and consuming enterprise models
- Philosophical foundations of modeling research
Track Chairs

Hans-Georg Fill
University of Fribourg, Switzerland, hans-georg.fill@unifr.ch
Hans-Georg Fill is a professor at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Before joining University of Fribourg, he held positions at the University of Bamberg, Germany and the University of Vienna, Austria. He graduated from University of Vienna, where he also obtained his PhD and completed his habilitation thesis. He published in outlets such as the International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, the European Conference on Information Systems, Business and Information Systems Engineering, and Semantic Web. His research interests focus on metamodeling, blockchains and augmented and virtual reality technologies for enterprise modeling.

Kristina Rosenthal
University of Hagen, Germany, kristina.rosenthal@fernuni-hagen.de
Kristina Rosenthal is a post-doctoral researcher and member of the Enterprise Modelling Research Group at the University of Hagen, Germany. In her research, she focuses on topics of conceptual modeling, its cognitive aspects and digital process management. Kristina has published in outlets such as Business & Information Systems Engineering, Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling (EMISAJ), the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). She was a guest researcher at the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) and KU Leuven (Belgium).

Susanne Strahringer
TU Dresden, Germany, susanne.strahringer@tu-dresden.de
Susanne Strahringer is a professor of Business Information Systems, especially Information Systems in Trade and Industry, at TU Dresden, Germany. Before joining TU Dresden, she held positions at the University of Augsburg and the European Business School. She graduated from the Darmstadt University of Technology, where she also obtained her PhD and completed her habilitation thesis. She has published in outlets such as Information & Management, the Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, Information Systems Management, the Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management. Her research interests focus on IS management, ERP systems, and enterprise modeling.
Associate Editors
- Agnes Koschmider, Kiel University, Germany
- Dominik Bork, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Geert Poels, Ghent University, Belgium
- Henderik A. Proper, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
- Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Michael Fellmann, University of Rostock, Germany
- Monika Kaczmarek-Heß, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Peter Fettke, DFKI, Germany
- Peter Loos, Saarland University, Germany
- Ralf Knackstedt, University of Hildesheim, Germany
- Stefan Strecker, University of Hagen, Germany
Baskerville, R. L., Myers, M. D., & Yo, Y. (2020). Digital First: The Ontological Reversal and New Challenges for Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 509–523. https://doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2020/14418
Fill, H.-G., Härer, F., Muff, F., & Curty, S. (2021). Towards Augmented Enterprise Models as Low-Code Interfaces to Digital Systems. In B. Shishkov (Ed.), Business Modeling and Software Design (pp. 343–352). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79976-2_22
Sandkuhl, K., & Stirna, J. (2020). Supporting Early Phases of Digital Twin Development with Enterprise Modeling and Capability Management: Requirements from Two Industrial Cases. In S. Nurcan, I.
Reinhartz-Berger, P. Soffer, & J. Zdravkovic (Eds.), Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling (pp. 284–299). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49418-6_19