WI2023 – Track: Service Innovation, Engineering & Management
Track description
Services appear as essential components both in our private lives as well as in organizations. They manifest in a plethora of different forms that fulfill different functions: human-centric services; digital, data and AI-based services; smart, AR and VR-based services; hybrid intelligence-based services; B2C, B2B, B2B2C services and many more. Generally, services are offered as one building block within a complex service system, which includes a variety of actors, new technologies and corresponding value dimensions. A strict orientation toward customer and user as well as an intelligent orchestration of these service systems are crucial here; not only to make services successful, but also to be able to ensure the efficient and effective development and delivery of services. In this context, Service Engineering and Service Systems Engineering aim to provide methods, models, and tools that enable the systematic development of services and service systems.
This track invites submissions that highlight current and relevant research on services and service innovation as well as service engineering and service management. The context of services is not limited in this track, ranging e.g., from person-centered services to fully automated services. We invite both qualitative and quantitative empirical contributions as well as design-oriented papers. Conceptual or theoretical contributions that contribute to a better understanding of all types of services and service systems are also welcome.
Track Topics
- Service Engineering and Service Systems Engineering
- Digital technologies in service processes (augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, IoT, robots, conversational agents)
- Service innovation and service design
- Data- and AI-based digital services
- Services and service systems based on hybrid intelligence
- Design and management (economic/environmental/social) of sustainable services and service systems
- Service modularization and modular service structures
- Management of service processes
- Design and delivery of human-centered services
- Design of artifacts for service innovation
- Interorganizational service systems and service ecosystems
- Digital service platforms and platform-based business models for digital services
- Services and modern work environments (e.g., New Work)
- Services in the public context
Track Chairs

Manuel Wiesche
TU Dortmund
Manuel Wiesche is full professor and chair of Digital Transformation at TU Dortmund University. He graduated in Information Systems from WWU Münster and holds a doctoral degree and a habilitation degree from TUM School of Management. His research interests include IT workforce, project management, platform ecosystems, and service innovation. He publishes in leadingjournals such as MIS Quarterly, EJIS, JIT, IEEE TEM, or CACM. He is co-founder of the non-profit organization “Tür an Tür Digitalfabrik”; one of their projects is “Integreat”, an application that provides refugees with information they need to settle in the host country.

Angela Roth
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. Angela Roth is a professor at the Institute for Information Systems at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg with a focus on innovation and value creation. She heads the Open Service Lab (OSL) and researches, advises and teaches in the areas of service innovation, service systems in digital contexts and organizational skills for service innovation. She also doing research in the context of interactive service innovation in living labs (e.g. JOSEPHS®), future work systems and service systems engineering. Prof. Roth works closely with non-university research institutes and industrial partners. She leads several research projects on service systems engineering, service innovation and the future of work.

Christoph Peters
Universität St. Gallen & Universität Kassel
Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters is assistant professor at the University of St. Gallen and research group leader at the Scientific Center for IT Design (ITeG) at the University of Kassel. His research focus is on services and service innovations, especially in the context of hybrid intelligence. He adopts a socio-technical systems perspective and strives for human-centered design of solutions that include both beneficiaries and all other stakeholders of the service and work system. His research has been published in journals (e.g. JMIS, BISE, MISQE, JOSM, CAIS) and national and international conferences (e.g. ICIS, ECIS, WI, HICSS, GI), among others. He is president of the SIG Services of the AIS, on the editorial board of CAIS, track chair at ECIS, AMCIS and WI and leads the accompanying research “Shaping Innovations Sustainably” for the BMBF funding line Internet-based Services.
Associate Editors
- Mahei Li, Uni Kassel
- Christoph Breidbach, UQ Brisbane
- Christoph Lattemann, Jacobs University Bremen
- Michael Leyer, Universität Rostock
- Lysanne Lessard, University of Ottawa
- Martin Semmann, Universität Hamburg
- Dominik Siemon, LUT University
- Maximilian Schreieck, The Wharton School & Technical University of Munich
- Gerhard Satzger, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
- Christian Bartelheimer, Uni Paderborn
- Susanne Robra-Bissantz, TU Braunschweig
- Jürgen Anke, HTW Dresden