The workshop had to be cancelled by the organizer at short notice for personal reasons. The participants have already been informed by mail.
WS 04: The Digital Twin – a new concept for managing production and logistics in the context of Industry 4.0
Workshop description
The Digital Twin is meanwhile a recognized concept of Industry 4.0, used primarily in the engineering domain for products and their production. So far, however, there are only a few approaches to using this new conceptual approach for logistical purposes as well, especially for the order-oriented control of products and their components, from procurement and transport to storage and staging for production, through to finishing and finally distribution of the goods. Based on the customer order, such an order-oriented digital control twin should, if possible, map and support the entire process chain. The concept should take advantage of the technical and informational capabilities created by Industry 4.0, such as RFID, GPS, Internet platforms, and cyber-physical objects. Likewise, new software tools and algorithms such as Machine Learning, Big Data, Artificial and Business Intelligence should be integrated into the concept.
In this workshop, the existing approaches, and concepts of a digital control twin in the field of logistics and production will be presented and discussed. The basic data structures, functions and algorithms are to be identified. At the same time, the interface and communication paths between the technical and the logistical digital twins will be pointed out shown. Finally, existing deficits in the previous concepts will be identified in order to derive research priorities for further research and development.
Intended target group: Mainly conference attendees, but open to all researchers and teachers at university institutes of information systems, logistics and production management, and staff at research institutes and developers of ERP software.
Workshop date
Monday 18.09.2023, 14:00 to 16:00 p.m.
Submission and registration
No paper submissions are possible.
Workshop registration takes place as part of the conference registration via the ConfTool conference system and is included in the conference fees.

W. J. Herlyn
Universität Magdeburg,
W.J. Herlyn is mainly concerned with the question of how complex and multi-variant products can be logistically controlled in international networks. For this purpose, he has developed new approaches based on ideal Boolean algebra, which enables consistent and rule-based production planning and scheduling (PPS). The control of material flow objects bases on the production and material flow structure using the Boolean Interval Algebra. The regulation algorithms use the closed loop control principle for well-defined Counting Points. In contrast to the GROSS-NET method of today’s ERP/MRP-Systems, he prefers the ACTUAL-TARGET method for Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Master Production Scheduling (MPS). Since the emergence of Industry 4.0, he has been working on the concept of a “Digital Control Twin” (DCT) in order to eliminate the weaknesses of the MRP-II concept and to use the new technologies of Industry 4.0 (RFID, Big-Data, AI/BI, Digital Analytics, Cyber-Physical-Objects).
Executive organization
Institut für Logistik und Materialflusstechnik (ILM) der Otto-von-Guericke
Universität Magdeburg;