WI2023 – Track: Advances in Theory, Methods & Philosophy
Track description
The short history of information systems is not only characterized by the constant change in the subject of research, but also by the pressure to legitimize the discipline, which has repeatedly led to adjustments in the orientation and demands of research. To the extent that the advancing digitization in business and society is already taking on the first post-digital features, it can be assumed that the discipline of information systems will similarly be called upon to to adapt and develop in the years to come.
The emphasis on research methods and the consideration of theories are of particular importance. Even if it may appear that a certain canon of research methods has been established, on closer inspection, there remain considerable scientific-theoretical challenges. In particular, they concern the concept of theory, which represents a central but often implicit presupposition for current research methods. Additionally, the increasing importance of inductive methods associated with AI demands research methods capable of justifying them. Finally, digital transformation has considerable ethical and political dimensions, which leads to the question of whether and how BISE can contribute to corporate decision-making, corresponding social discourses and political advice in the future.
Furthermore, the transformation of business and society affects science itself. Above all, changes in research processes and practices that are the result of the increasing intertwining of humans and machines, must be considered. In addition, the organization of scientific communication, in particular the publication of scientific contributions, should be considered, but also the effects of incentive and evaluation systems.
Track Topics
The track offers a forum for the discussion of scientific-theoretical problems and solutions intended to address them, taking the latest developments in information systems into account. Contributions are encouraged on but not limited to the following topics:
- Philosophical and methodological foundations
- Forward-looking theoretical concepts related to information systems
- Configuration of research methods
- Approaches to the integration of hermeneutic and behavioral methods
- Methodological approaches to support the design of possible worlds
- Information systems research on ethical and social areas of concern
- Approaches to taking ethical considerations into account in information systems
- Approaches to moral-theoretical investigations
- Influence of artificial intelligence
- Methods to support AI research
- Approaches to integrate machine learning into research practice
- Evaluation approaches and quality criteria for research based on machine learning
- Scientific culture
- Evaluation of scientific performance
- New forms of organizing scientific communication
- New approaches to the transfer of scientific knowledge
Track Chairs

Ulrich Frank
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Ulrich Frank holds the chair of Information Systems and Enterprise Modelling at the Institute of Computer Science and Business Information Systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His main research topic is enterprise modelling, i.e. the development and evaluation of modelling languages, methods and corresponding tools. In recent years, he focused especially on multi-level domain-specific modelling languages and corresponding tools. Further areas of research include method construction, (meta) programming languages, and advanced architectures of application systems. He is also interested in the philosophy of science and fundamental questions related to the subject of research in business information systems and computer science.

Benjamin Mueller
Universität Bremen
Benjamin Mueller is transitioning into a role as Professor for Digital Business at the University of Bremen, Germany, and is an Associate Researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. His work focuses on how advanced information and communication technologies transform organizations. Benjamin pays particular attention to mechanisms through which individuals augment their work with technology, the corresponding organizational benefits, and governance to ensure corporate digital responsibility. His research is published in, for example, the MIS Quarterly, the Journal of Management Information Systems, the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and the Journal of Business Research, among others.

Ulrike Schultze
Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, USA
Ulrike Schultze is an Information Technology and Operations Management professor at the Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, USA. Her research focuses on the changing nature of work practices – including issues related to the identity of individuals and various professional and social groups – and the socio-material approach that intertwines the materiality of technology with the social. Her work on technologies such as knowledge management, hybrid realities, sharing economy, and various platforms has been featured in top journals (e.g., MISQ, IRS, JAIS, EJIS, ISJ, and JSIS).
Associate Editors
- Alisa Ananjeva, Aalborg University
- Sebastian K. Boell, The University of Sydney Business School
- Andreas Drechsler, Victoria University, Wellington, NZ
- Katharina Ebner, FernUni Hagen
- Amany Elbana, Royal Holloway University of London
- Daniel Fürstenau, Copenhagen Business School
- Nik Hassan, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Gijs van den Heuvel, Rotterdam University
- Phil Hennel, Universität Bremen
- Karlheinz Kautz, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Oliver Krancher, IT University Copenhagen
- Mahya Ostovar, Univeristy of Paris
- Julian Prester, The University of Sydney
- Matthias Söllner, Universität Kassel
- Alexander Teubner, Universität Münster