WI2023 – Track: Student Track
Track description
The aim of the Student Track is to give students the opportunity to actively participate in the International Conference on Information Systems. It is aimed at students at the Master’s level (or also Bachelor level) who are interested in either an IT-related position in business or in a scientific career in Business Informatics.
The Student Track offers a platform where students, scientists and practitioners can get to know each other in professional discourse. Students from all locations and fields of business informatics are invited to submit high-quality papers. Students who do not submit a paper are also welcome to attend the lectures and participate in the Student Track’s social program.
- 12.05.2023: Submission of contributions
- 30.06.2023: Notification of students
- 20.07.2023: Submission of camera-ready papers
Track Topics
We welcome contributions that deal with the design and use of information and communication systems in organizations. All topics related to business informatic and information systems are suitable, e.g.
- business process management
- business engineering, business transformation
- customer relationship management
- business intelligence
- data science
- process science
Possible fields of application include eBusiness, eBanking, eLearning, eGovernment and eHealth. Conceptual as well as behavioral or design oriented contributions are considered.
Submission and Review Process
Students can submit either work-in-progress papers or completed qualification papers that were submitted no more than ten months ago.
The format template is available for download on the conference website – contributions can be written in German or English. The format and scope of the submissions must comply exactly with the requirements of the main conference. English contributions should be presented and discussed in English during the conference. Participation of the supervisors as co-authors of the submission is welcome. In this case, the students will act as first authors and present their work at the conference.
We ask the authors to make their contributions anonymous for the review process by omitting their name, address, etc. in the contribution. All other information that allows conclusions to be drawn about the authors, e.g. metadata, should also be deleted. The submission of the paper for the review process is done via the conference system as a PDF document. Submitted papers will be evaluated in the regular review process of the conference. Students will receive professional feedback from at least two independent reviewers of the program committee (double-blind).
Accepted papers will be presented in the conference paper session and published in the conference proceedings. Work-in-Progress papers will be presented in a poster session accessible to all conference participants. Papers presented in the poster session will not be published in the conference proceedings.
Best Student Paper Award
The Liechtenstein Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) awards the best student paper with a prize money of 500,- Euro.
Track Chairs

Susanne Strahringer
TU Dresden, Germany, susanne.strahringer@tu-dresden.de
Susanne Strahringer is a professor of Business Information Systems, especially Information Systems in Trade and Industry, at TU Dresden, Germany. Before joining TU Dresden, she held positions at the University of Augsburg and the European Business School. She graduated from the Darmstadt University of Technology, where she also obtained her PhD and completed her habilitation thesis. She has published in outlets such as Information & Management, the Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, Information Systems Management, the Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management. Her research interests focus on IS management, ERP systems, and enterprise modeling

Jan vom Brocke
University of Liechtenstein
Jan vom Brocke is Professor of Information Systems, the Hilti Endowed Chair of Business Process Management, and Director of the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Liechtenstein. His research focuses on business process management and related aspects of digital innovation and transformation. He has published, among others, in Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Communications of the ACM, and MIT Sloan Management Review. He held various editorial roles and leadership positions in Information Systems research and education, and he has been named a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems.

Thomas Grisold
University of Liechtenstein
Thomas Grisold is an assistant professor with the institute for information systems at the University of Liechtenstein. His research revolves around the intersection of organization studies and information systems research, and he is particularly interested in how digital technologies change established ways of organizing. He has an interdisciplinary background in cognitive science and organization science, and he has published on topics related to business process management, organization studies and information systems. He is also the head of the institute’s executive teaching programme delivering workshops on digitalization to executives and companies in the Rhine valley region.