Prof. Dr. Matthias Trier

Prof. Dr. Matthias Trier is Professor for Business Informatics and Social Computing at Paderborn University as well as visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School. He researches phenomena related to digital social user behavior, such as the appropriation of social media and collaboration tools in organizations and in consumer communities, user participation, the framing of electronic discourse, cooperation in virtual reality as well as event-driven dynamic network analysis with the software tool Commetrix. Prof. Trier acts as study program coordinator and chair of the examination board for the Information Systems study programs at Paderborn University. He has led EU projects and published in conferences and ranked journals, e.g. ISR, EJIS, ISJ or JCMC. He served as a long-time track chair of the social media tracks at ECIS 2014-2023 and WI 2019-2022. At WI 2023, he is engaged as Conference Chair and Program Chair.