Track 1: Digital Responsibility: Social, Ethical, and Ecological Implication of IS (Theme Track)
Track 2: Business Models, Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship
Track 3: Digital Markets, Platforms & Data Spaces
Track 4: Distributed Trust, Security & Privacy
Track 5: Data Science & Business Analytics
Track 6: Business Process Management
Track 7: Digital Innovation, Adoption & Use
Track 8: Service Innovation, Engineering & Management
Track 9: Human Computer Interaction & Social Online Behavior
Track 10: IT Strategy, Governance & Management
Track 11: Enterprise Modeling & Business Ecosystems
Track 12: Digital Infrastructure, Internet of Things & CPS
Track 13: Advances in Theory, Methods & Philosophy
Track 14: Industry Track: Innovative Prototypes & Business Impact of IS
Track 16: Digital Industry & Retailing
Track 17: Smart Cities & Digital Government
Track 18: Digital Education & Learning